The Covenant of Membership for The United Church of Jaffrey
We do hereby covenant, as we come to pledge ourselves to this community of faithful disciples, that, as members of the United Church of Jaffrey, we will uphold these beliefs: that God is a forgiving creator whose power has been revealed to us in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and that God continues to be revealed in the invisible power of the Holy Spirit; we further covenant to act out this faith in works of love towards all who seek his way of peace, truth, justice and mercy.
Source: Diaconate, March 1981
Outreach Statement
The United Church of Jaffrey is committed to community service. Our ministries include:
- community service meetings such as AA
- monthly public suppers (March – November)
- The Mitten Tree – an annual Christmas season collection of hundreds of pairs of mittens, knitted caps, and scarves distributed to local schools, day care centers and other organizations
- a Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Jaffrey Food Pantry – perhaps the most visible ministry, this mission began as a church effort in the 1970s and has grown into a substantial organization staffed and run by volunteers from the wider community; the pantry is open to all in need
At the United Church of Jaffrey our guiding motto has long been “Always for Others”. Those items listed above are the things we hold most dear.