We peer into the future to try to find signs of hope. Hope for the good outcome. But there’s a catch…
Articles posted by admin
Since God is beyond time, God is now and not yet. The Kingdom of God peeks out from within the fabric of the now.
The “We” of God
What if, instead of “God I” we think of “God We.”
I think that is what we are doing in church.
Prayer by Numbers
In at least one way, the Pharisee and the Tax Collector are quite similar.
They are both wrong.
They are both wrong about God.
UCJ “Prayer Action” focus of Podcast
The United Church of Jaffrey’s “prayer action” memorializing those who have died in mass shootings in 2019, is the focus of two episodes of the “What in God’s Name?” podcast. Click on the “Read More” button below to have a listen.
200 Sandwiches
I think miracle stories, such as the feeding of the 5000, have value.
But I’m not holding my breath, waiting for a miracle to happen.
Christianity that is lived in the community benefits more from glorious confusion, then from strict adherence to doctrine.
Faith Promise Sunday
Three members of the United Church of Jaffrey spoke this morning. Laurie Alden, Carol Naas and Jessica Mahoney all gave beautiful and moving tributes to what the church means in their lives. I do not have the text, so if you would like to experience these lovely speeches, you will have to listen […]