I can tie the laces of my spiritual poet boots and go for a hike on Stewardship mountain, without the least pang.
Articles posted by admin
To live a spiritual life, is to live a life that is awakened, alert, heightened, vulnerable, attentive.
A spiritual life is a removed-shoes life.
Transformation Days
December 7th 1941. November 22nd 1963. September 11th 2001. What was it about these days that caused them to completely alter the way we understand our world?
Perishable Goods
…the place to examine the interplay between truths universal and aspirational is right here in church…
Jericho Road
Jericho Road, is a dangerous road. It is also a compassionate road.
It is a road that can lead to violent death and it is a road that can lead to healing.
It all depends on who is traveling on that road.
A Sacred Collaboration
Love and mystery must be at the core of religion. If it is not, it is perilously easy for religion to become a tool of power.
The Still Point
Strip away all the trappings of human society, and you are left with an inevitable question: Am I alone?