An act, no matter how small, can have immense implications.
Articles posted by admin
Where You Go, I Will Go
Why is the Bible…paying such close attention to the plight of a poor widow living in a foreign land?
The Squeaky Wheel gets the Peace
Listening is God like. It is a great gift that we can give each other — the gift of listening.
When we listen, we act in faith. We heal.
May I Help you?
… there is at least one virtue to this process — this process of writing a sermon in the middle of living life.
When I do this, I can grab things almost as they happen.
Of Religion And The Phillips Head Screwdriver
To be alive is to be unpredictable.
For a living thing, purpose is not a single pre-ordained thing, like fastening two boards together.
Every time we take a living thing and limit its nature to a singular purpose, we oppress it.
Are Any Among you Suffering?
When James (whoever he was) wrote the letter, it is likely that he had very little confidence that his words would ever make it to any of the communities of the faithful to which it was addressed…
Nevertheless, he wrote it.
A Cup of Water to Drink
In this generation that its awake to the many ways that people can love, and the many ways that people can experience gender…
Are we going to interpret the gospel in a way that we proposes that we hate our own bodies? I say no!
Hati Hati!
Somewhere, in the middle of that perilous gauntlet, I spoke up from the backseat, where I was squashed up against the cliff-side window: “What does Hati Hati! mean?”