Metanoia literally means: “a change of mind.”
A deep, spiritual change of mind.
Articles posted by admin
Authority: Human and Divine
“Authority and power are not the same,” Hugh told me. “Power is seized but authority is granted. Power is wielded but authority is exercised.”
Ash Wednesday Service
The United Church of Jaffrey and the First Church in Jaffrey will hold a combined Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday February 14th, 2018 at 6:30pm at the United Church of Jaffrey, 54 Main st. in Jaffrey.
The Backyard, Midwinter
The snow had started up again, but not in earnest — these flurries were the storm’s last, half-hearted, whispered asides — the tail end of a mid-January snowfall that was heading northward into the hills. And there I stood, my intention thwarted, with nothing to do but look around.
Our Essence
We are all children of God.
And when this fundamental claim is at the core of our being — we begin our relationships with each other from the starting place of dignity.
Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr
All are invited to the Jaffrey Civic Center’s 2018 Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. on the date of the national holiday, Monday, January 15, 5-6 p.m. at the United Church of Jaffrey, 54 Main
St., followed by a reception at the Civic Center, 40 Main St. in Jaffrey.
Epiphany Meditation
During Advent, we anticipate the birth of the Christ child. During Christmas, of course, we rejoice at Christ’s birth. What, than, is Epiphany?
Protected: United Church of Jaffrey 2017 Annual Report
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The Agapé Thread — January 2018
I refuse to believe we live on a planet of failures. I believe we need to scrap the cultural calculus and remind our neighbor how much she is loved, regardless of accomplishments.
Protected: Advisory Group Proposal for Annual Meeting 2018
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