When the year turns we have a choice –we can either look forward to the new year, or backwards at the old one.
Articles posted by admin
Protected: Old UCJ Bylaws from 2013
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Cats and Christmas Trees: A Tricky Business
In case you are not acquainted with this particular maneuver–that is, of bringing a Christmas tree into the house and setting it up — you might benefit from knowing some of the best practices…
The first thing to do, is not do what I do…
The Agapé Thread – December 2017
Agape is the Greek word for love that is the primary teaching of Jesus. It roughly translates to “neighbor love.”
The Point of Illumination
An oral tradition is not an act of remembering. It’s an act of maintenance. When something that was written 800 years ago is passed from one generation to the next, it stops being 800 years old, and becomes something that your grandmother taught you.
Mystery is Near
When we find ourselves on the edge — confronted by the inevitable challenge of our mortality, facing eternity, we are humbled by a mystery that cannot be fathomed.
This is a moment of religious desperation, a moment when try, in vain, to tame the ultimate.
Pathfinder — December 2017
On November 27th — which, as of this writing is three days off — I will have been your pastor for one year! In garlic terms, then, my bottom two or three leaves would now be turning yellow.
Protected: November 2017
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