To live a spiritual life, is to live a life that is awakened, alert, heightened, vulnerable, attentive.
A spiritual life is a removed-shoes life.
Transformation Days
December 7th 1941. November 22nd 1963. September 11th 2001. What was it about these days that caused them to completely alter the way we understand our world?
To worship a God who inspires violence, is to worship violence. And I do not worship violence. There’s enough of that already in our world.
Sunday Services at 10AM
It doesn’t matter who you are or who you love. You are welcome here.
Giving Ourselves Away
The Baptism is not something external that happened to Jesus. It is now something personal. Something internal that happened in Jesus.
Luke may not have had a WIFI connection… He may not have had access to an email distribution list or a cloud back up
But he had something greater than all of that. He had the truth.