That man, standing at the edge of the floodlight’s pale halo, trying to keep out of the rain… it was about the loneliest thing I have ever seen.
Articles posted by admin
Two Women
I’m not all that interested in what my brain tells me about the passage. That’s been done. I want my gut to have a say. I want my dreams to sneak up on it.
Don’t Forget your Cane
There is a straightforwardness about these words. And yet they are words of care.
Straightforward words of care.
Covenant of Peace
As soon as someone defines God, that thing is no longer God.
But God doesn’t mind being described.
Everything She Had
November 10th, 2024 Well. Here we are. I mean that, of course, as you might expect, this morning… as a kind of weary acknowledgement of our national state of affairs. But I also mean it, more specifically, for us, here. Here we are… in a circle, in the Mildred Cutter Memorial Parish Hall, gathered […]