We are out in the open… Beneath the wide open sky.
The sky stretches above us into the distance, where the great mountain describes for us the gentle swoop of the horizon… Only moments ago, the darkness of night lifted, and with the rising sun, our hearts also rise, trembling with the hope of a new day.
Articles posted by admin
Easter Sunrise at The Cathedral of the Pines
This year, The United Church of Jaffrey was honored to lead the Easter Sunrise Service at the Cathedral of the Pines.
The Question of the Door

Open, or closed? That is the question of the door. When we shut the door, we ask the person on the other side “who are you?” If we leave the door open, we tell the person on the other side: “come in.”
An open door says “I trust you.”
A closed door says “I’m not sure about you.”
04/09/17: “Doors” (Sandburg)
Doors An open door says, “Come in.” A shut door says, “Who are you?” Shadows and ghosts go through shut doors. If a door is shut and you want it shut, why open it? If a door is open and you want it open, why shut it? Doors forget but only doors know what it […]
04/02/17: “Each Stone” (Ignatow)
Each Stone Each stone its shape each shape its weight each weight its value in my garden as I dig them up for Spring planting, and I say, lifting one at a time, There is a joy here in being able […]
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Honoring Dr. King On January 16th, The Jaffrey Civic Center sponsored an event entitled “What is Courage? Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. We, at the United Church of Jaffrey, were proud to provide the venue for this event, which included speakers, choral singing, and art and poetry contests. The night began with the ringing […]

God is not a superstition leftover from more primitive times. God is not the preoccupation of a community of people determined to willfully ignore the demands of the modern world.
God is a way of communication.
3/26/17: “I’ll Tell You How the Sun Rose” (Dickinson)
I’ll Tell You How the Sun Rose I’ll tell you how the sun rose,– A ribbon at a time. The steeples swam in amethyst, The news like squirrels ran. The hills untied their bonnets, The bobolinks begun. Then I said softly to myself, “That must have been the sun!” But how he set, I […]

When we return to the water source…
We are returning to life.
This truth vibrates at our deepest core.
Pathfinder – March 2017

We had a lovely service this morning(Feb. 19), and I am feeling good. The church received some good press last week from the Keene Sentinel, and I was delighted to see some new faces in the pews…