Last Tuesday I wandered down into the basement of the church while the Food Pantry was in full swing. Spying me, Kathleen pulled me into one of the rooms where a box of canned food items was being inspected…
Articles posted by admin

As I thought about this idea of constancy, this week, I found myself thinking about my parents.
In particular, I found myself thinking about them at the end of their lives.
Spirit of the Living God

communication, does not require words, does it?
The throaty wail of an infant’s first breath…
The groan of a mother in labor
These are indistinct sounds cannot be found in Webster’s dictionary. And, yet we need no interpreter to tell us what these sounds mean.
05/28/17: Windnoon (Merwin)
Windnoon by W. S. Merwin On the green hill with the river beyond it long ago and my father there and my grandmother standing in her faded clothes wrinkled high-laced black shoes in the spring grass among the few gravestones inside their low fence by the small white wooden church the clear panes of its […]
That They May Be One

“There’s another one over there,” my friend said, pointing into the underbrush.
We stooped over the headstones.
The years were writ more indelibly there then the names, but brushing aside the lichen, we could read enough to see that the men who lay there were confederate soldiers.
Children’s Sunday 2017
The Children’s Sunday Service, this year, was a wonderful event filled with smiles and fun! Our 4th graders, Sophia O’Neil and Nicholas Turilli received their first Bibles from the church, and Nicholas Bergeron and Christopher Newton, our 10th graders, received confirmation! Click on any picture to see a bigger version. Photo credits: Robin Turilli (RT) and […]

… if we want you to be here so badly, why are we always frowning and telling you to hush?
Well, there’s a good reason for this. The best reason there is…
Pathfinder — May 2017

I wonder what is going to happen? When we think about time, we tend to imagine it as a line. We imagine a line that starts with our birth, way back behind us, moves up to the present moment, and then extends out into the future in front of us. Our language reinforces this idea: we say things like, “back, when I was a kid…” or “I’m really looking forward to Christmas…”But there is something strange about this idea…
05/14/17: Autumn Sonnet #3 (Sarton)
Autumn Sonnet #3 By May Sarton I wake to gentle mist over the meadow The chilling atmosphere before sunrise Where half my world lies still asleep in shadow And half is touched awake as if by eyes. Sparse yellow leaves high in the air are struck To sudden flame as the first rays break […]
Rock or Stone

God has an intention for us.
But this intention is not perfectly defined for us. This intention contains mystery. It contains the invisible fifteenth stone.