A Eulogy/Sermon in honor of my friend and mentor, Hugh Silbaugh.
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The Now
The process of making the gospel story relevant to the now is woven into the DNA of the scriptural tradition itself.
In June of the year of our Lord, 18 hundred and 62, this place was the site of a great and bloody conflict.
The more a person is willing to kill, the more power that person has.
Jesus, though, was the opposite.
The Church Picnic
“What you got there Mr. Newsome?”
‘Brought you some apples…” the old man said, placing the basket on the picnic table.
Ruth said to Naomi…
I kept expecting to come upon a buffalo nickel in the floorboards, or a rusty eggbeater in the pantry.
From Strength
We can debate about whether or not God is dead, but we know for a fact that Nietzsche is dead.
A Place of We
Remember when a phone was something you used to call someone? If you wanted to talk to someone on the phone, you used a phone. If you wanted to take a picture, you used a camera. If you wanted to tell the time, you used a watch… And if you wanted to see […]